Monday, 29 July 2013

Fun in the Sun

We were so looking forward to this weekend at
the lake... But after my parents had to deal with
burying a horse Friday morning we decided
that maybe the farm was where we needed to be.
So after an hour and a half detour and 3.5 hours
later we arrived in Magrath.
The weekend was so much fun even though
swimming didn't happen. 
We played 2 rounds of golf on Saturday.
Seriously... Tuckered us out. 
Sunday was another round of golf and checking
out my Uncle's new acreage. 
And of course getting some time in with my little girlies.
My appointment went really well today! Such a
huge relief. The last week was pretty rough but 
I feel good! So now I need to get my trainer booked,
get on a good healthy eating plan on Wednesday and
start putting the hard work in to live a healthier life. 
Fingers crossed that by the time surgery comes
I will be healthy, happy, and comfortable.

Phewf... Golfing is tough work!

Hillbilly farming

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Waking Up

Still many of things going on inside this head of
mine but the most common theme is fear.
Fear of many things which after Monday I will
feel more freely to talk about. 
That being said I also keep thinking about
health. Health and fitness is something that
has sparked my interest for the last couple years
and yet doing it... not so much.
Maybe this is just the kind of thing that pushes you
outside your comfort zone. It's time to take 
some control back over my body and do things
that I am going to feel good about. I think
the emotional effect will be helpful and of course
any sort of physical help at this point will be 
I have an appointment tomorrow morning to see
a trainer that I keep looking up. Her studio is on a little
acreage outside DeWinton so it's a hop skip and a jump
from our house which is nice. I also have an 
appointment on Wednesday to see a 
Naturopathic doctor that I have been looking at
for the last year on and off. If anything good comes
from all this, I hope that it is this wake up call.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Keep Calm and Clean On

I've always been one to clean or eat my
mood away. Usually anger results in eating. 
Usually anxiety results in cleaning. 
Well today I'm cleaning my little heart out. 
My mind is playing tricks on me. The "what if's"
are going to drive me nutty. I swear there
is a little OCD in my blood because I've 
never been one to be able to think about 
something else when I have something on my mind.
And today there is a big something on my mind. 
Hopefully on Monday I will have more answers
and I can Keep Calm and Carry On.

Monday, 22 July 2013


It feels so good to be at home in my office
typing this and knowing that I get to sleep in
tomorrow and run some errands 
AND I start my week off!!!!
This was my first full week back since 
I got sick and although I made it through there
was many days that I wasn't feeling so hot.
Today included. We were up and early yesterday
and today getting replacement trees for the backyard
and getting a few new one for the front. Just getting up
and out of the house in the morning was such a chore. 
I'm tired. I did happen to have a nap in my car 
most days this week on my break which helped and 
hopefully with one more week of R and R I will be 
good to go for my next rotation! I have some long
stretches coming up {9 eves and then a stretch of 15}.

I couldn't be more excited for the first lake weekend of 
the season. I'm already counting the days
until we can pack up and hit the road! 
I love waking up to this.


Friday, 19 July 2013

Weekends at the farm

Well after 2 months of being a bored blogger I decided to
give this a go again. June and the first half of July have flown by.
I've spent almost 4 weeks trying to get over some
sort of virus. Thankfully I'm feeling like I'm on the mend.
{except for today- my throat and chest are killing me}
But hopefully this is the last of it. After almost $150 in
cold medication, an entire puffers worth of Ventolin, 21 
doses of antibiotics, and countless ice packs, July is looking up!

We finally ventured out to my parents place this last weekend
and had such a great time. We were even able to get
2 rounds of golf in! The dogs LOVE LOVE LOVE being
at the farm and hanging out with Ruby {my parents dog}.
It was such a treat to get a good visit in with my 
3 favourite little people. My nieces are seriously the cutest 
kids around. Ellie is such a little helper. She is 
almost 8 and such a dolly. Lucy is almost 6 and 
stuck on the couch for the next few weeks with a broken leg.
And last is PENNY. She is the cutest little monster around. 
At 3 years old she is such a little personality. When
Penny is in the room you know it!

The weekend playing golf got me hooked again. 
Every time we play I always have so much fun but it 
doesn't take long to forget that! Rhys bought me
some new shiny clubs so now I have to get out and 
use them! We are excited to play our little hearts out for
the next few months and then hopefully get some time
in Phoenix this winter to keep up the skills!

How's your summer going?!?!?!

Eddie loves being in the sun all day

This is us after a weekend at the farm