I can't believe that an entire year has gone by and now I'm 27... Crazy! I've been really focused on getting healthy for the upcoming year and while I'm still struggling with the diet portion, overall it has been going fairly well. I've taken the pressure off being super strict and it seems to have helped create a better balance this week. I'm avoiding treats as much as possible but not letting myself feel like a complete failure if I give here and there. While I realize that results will come faster if I cut everything out I also know that it isn't maintainable to do that for myself. I have been setting small goals. This week was to make healthy meals to take to work and get out for a run every other day. So far so good! Our fridge is full of healthy options and I picked 2 recipes to make large batches of to carry me through the working week. It has been helpful to have things made and ready to go. I discovered that it is better for me to go for my walk/jog FIRST thing in the morning. If I get comfy at home puttering around then home I will stay. I made some homemade energy bites for my drive to the perfect walk/jog spot along the river. It's great to be able to just let the dogs run and play and be dogs without me worrying where they have gone. It's so peaceful and everyone gets exercise at the same time! Perfect!
Pumpkin Energy bites
Raw Pumpkin seeds
Raw sunflower seeds
Shredded coconut {unsweetened}
Scottish Oats
Pumpkin seed butter
Protein powder {Vi shake mix}
*I didn't measure anything. I threw all the nuts and seeds into a bowl, mixed the pumpkin seed butter in, sprinkled the protein powder and then mixed in the COOKED oats. The oats were the binding agent. Although it seems they could use some salt {and chocolate chips} they are very healthy without and it's great for a pre-workout grab in the morning*
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