So remember I was telling you that Rhys
caught Kristin's cold last weekend. Well I made
it through the week without catching it!
Phewf! Like I said, I have the immunity of
someone on Chemotherapy which means
that I catch everything! So it came as
quite a relief that I didn't catch this one considering
it kept Rhys home from work. {which NEVER happens}
Until I woke up this morning. My throat was
plugged. My nose is plugged. My forehead is plugged.
Now I'm hacking away trying to unplug my
throat. I'm giving up on my nose. And hopefully
Advil will help with my frontal sinus headache.
I officially have the "man-cold"
"Rhys, Rhys.... can you call my mom"
Lol that commercial is hilarious. I hope u feel better soon. When I got sick last week I finally caved and learned how to do a sinus rinse.....u should grab one of your saline flush at work and give it a go, it helped me a lot!!