Thursday, 22 August 2013

The work before the fun

So while all this crazy wedding business was going on, 
I offered up our place to host the bridal shower. While I 
do kind of like hosting things like this... There is still
quite a bit of things around the house and outside
that need to be done. Let me tell you, new builds are a pain
in the butt when it comes to finishing your yard and making
your place a little less "builder beige".
We put lots of money into the yard last year so this
was the year for labour and next year maybe we can 
just enjoy the yard?!?!?!
Anyways, we started holidays and decided it was best to 
stay home for a few days to put some muscle in so that
I wasn't so overwhelmed coming back to do
it while on nights... on a stretch of 15.

So while I was busy staining the deck... My mom was
torturing me with photos of the lake and how beautiful it was. 
I finally got the columns painted on our porch
which I've wanted to do for the 
last year and got our little star hung up. The porch
still needs to be stained which fingers crossed I am doing 
today once I wake up.
And of course we still had a bit of fun. We splashed at the
Auburn Bay spray park, played 2 rounds of golf, 
went paddle boarding twice. All in all I would say we 
had some successful work days before we 
got to play.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I'm kind of a party pooper. I like to be in my 
jammies on a Saturday night curled up with Rhys, but 
when I realized that we would indeed be home
for Paige's bachelorette, I decided that I did NEED
to make an appearance. Plans were set.
We were all supposed to dress up as a Disney 
princess but those who know me, KNOW that there
is no way in hell I would draw more attention to 
myself by dressing up in costume to head to a bar
on 17th ave. So I went instead as Ursula {the sea witch}
Hello black dress and purple sandals! Haha.
I picked up Shandell and Vanessa {2 other bridesmaids} 
and we headed to The National.
Food was tasty... But it was LOUD. Like LOUD LOUD.
We couldn't even talk to the person sitting next to you.
We left 3 hours later with the 3 of us having a titch of a 
headache. Jeez. I am a granny. 
We then headed to a karaoke bar on 11th ave.
Once again... NOT something introverted little me would
ever pick to participate in but I figured that I would go,
sit, laugh, have a good time with the rest of the crew. 
Everything there was actually fun... Until it wasn't.
So Shandell, Vanessa, and myself took our butts home
around midnight. I survived!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Tired Tuesday

I'm mostly writing this post to give me something to do
so that I don't fall asleep. It
was a busy day around the William house.
Rhys was up first thing this morning tackling our
stair project. I putzed around and made bfast 
before getting my gym gear on and heading
to my training session. 
Let me tell you. 10 min in and I was 
sweating up a storm. Whew... She had me up 
and down and all around. It felt good to be using
muscles that I don't normally feel worked.
My arms felt like jelly by the time I left an
hour and a half later.
When I got home Rhys informed me that he booked
a tee time for 3... which gave me just enough time 
to rest for about 20 min before changing again and 
heading out the door. 
We finally checked out Lil devil which is a little 
9 hole walking course right down in the coulee off 
22x. We had so much fun. It was definitely a bit
of a work out. It was nice to use some of the
clubs that you don't usually get to use often. 
  I can see us going there quite often now. Especially
with the two of us... We breezed through and it 
took just under an hour and a half to do 9 holes. 
Still need some work on the short game but it's finally 
coming along. 
Well... Now we are off to do a little paddle boarding.
That darn bridesmaid dress is still looking REALLY
tight. 5 weeks to go which means I need to step it
up in the workout department. 
Guess it's time to get the running shoes on!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Feeling Lucky

Yesterday began at 7am when I woke up 
on my own! We began the day by both jumping 
up and starting to do our housework that we 
had planned. I finished painting the columns on our
porch and Rhys began to put the edging in
on the garden we made. Both took WAY longer than
we anticipated but wrapped them up around noon. 
Then we hung up the star we found at the 
garden centre earlier this spring and we 
called it a day on the "yard work".
Both of us then headed for a nap. 

As we were working away yesterday morning,
I couldn't help but think "thank god we don't have
kids yet".... It's an odd thought, one that doesn't
pop into my head often. But, all the work
we have been doing around the house probably
wouldn't be possible if we had a baby to be
taking care of or a toddler to chase after. 
Things would definitely be a lot more difficult, AND 
our glorious afternoon naps we have on the weekends
would not be in the cards either. 

After we woke up from napping, we tinkered around 
a bit before deciding to throw our clubs in the car
and hit the driving range. We both wanted to check out 
Blue Devil and thought this was the prime 
opportunity. They have grass tee's which are AWESOME.
Most places have mat's and you really don't get the same 
feel of a true swing. I finally felt like I was 
starting to get the hang of my new rescue 
so I call that a success. 

We also decided that we really needed to hit the lake.
After the driving range we were both a bit 
sweaty and hot so after grabbing some salads
from Subway we got our suits on and hit
the beach. We both took out the 
stand up paddle-boards and had a blast.
I've wanted to try paddle boarding for quite some time
but always found and excuse not to go.
Well it was SO MUCH FUN! I luckily didn't 
fall off once. Rhys bailed twice but it's 
because in true boy fashion he had to try
to go as fast as he possibly could. He is
also a much stronger swimmer than I am
so the fear was nowhere to be found with him. 
I on the other hand am planning to wear a life 
jacket next time just to calm my little 
worrier nerves. I kept imagining me hitting my head 
and drowning.
{This is why I shouldn't work at FMC}
There are lots of places that offer lessons and we did
look into it, but in the end decided it was 
best to give it a go on our own and if it 
was too difficult then we would 
look into a lesson. Luckily Auburn House 
purchased some top of the line beginner 
boards so the stability on them was awesome
and easy to get the hang of. I was 
thinking that maybe we should get some
as an investment. They also retail at 
$2000... NOT gonna happen. 
It's been a long LONG time since
I've had enough energy to even wake up on 
my own when my body is ready. My body
hasn't felt energized like this, my guess is about a 
year now. It finally feels good to be able 
to do the things I've been wanting to do for
so long. I also need to remember that even 
though I'm starting to feel better, I probably
should refrain from doing it all in one day.
Most of today was spend between the kitchen, my
bed, and the couch.

Friday, 9 August 2013


It's been a long lonely few weeks in the Williams
house. We have both been working above and beyond
our normal schedule which means we are on 
polar opposite schedules. We were both 
officially supposed to start holidays tonight at 530
but of course Rhys picked up tomorrow OT. Oh well
one more day won't hurt and at the end of the 
day he does it to provide so I can't complain. 
I spent most of today shopping for an outfit to
wear to the bachelorette party tomorrow night
and finally settled on black on black on black. With
fun shoes. Hahahahaha. Token fat girl wardrobe! 
Shopping has been quite a torturous experience the
last couple years. I look  forward to feeling excited for 
shopping again and not the nagging dread. 
It helps to have supportive
positive people in my life. The reassurance that this 
is a journey not a race helps keep the 
self doubt and guilt at bay. 
We decided that we deserved a date night though. 
I honestly can't remember the last time we actually
went out for a meal where it was just the two
of us. Kind of sad actually. 
The food was delish. There is nothing like a good
steak when you've been loading yourself with chicken. 
We both turned our phones off and had a nice
chit chat. Although the table next to ours was REALLY
noisy. Then it was off to Golftown to grab some more 
balls. {Man I burn through those!!!!} 
I also pulled out the workbook I'm using as a 
compliment to my diet I'm taking on. I filled
out all the beginner exercises and feel great. 
Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Down Down Down

Well I am thrilled to report that after 3 days of
"dieting" I am officially down 2.5lbs
I know I know... 2.5lbs is a LONG way from 
the goal but in 3 days!!!! I will 
take it with a smile on my face!
It has also helped the cheater cravings {and cave ins}
of the last couple days. Every day I've caved with one meal.
But hey it's the long weekend right?!??! And
I really can't get Rhys to eat like a rabbit.
SOOOOO... This is the week to kick it into high
gear and get that carby sugar cravings
out of my system!
Today is day 8 of 9 and then I'm off for a 
couple weeks so I have no excuse not to get
organised and prepped. 
Praying for a easy super stat day at work today
to peruse pinterest and find good recipes! 
Happy Heritage day! 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

On Self Improvement

About the middle of June I decided that I 
needed to start being a more positive person.
I thought of a few things about myself that I wasn't liking
and decided to try to change them. Two months later
I think I have shown some improvement. 

One of the ways I thought was bringing down my
spirit was being gossipy... It is easy to 
get caught up in the moment and say things
that you don't necessarily mean to. I wanted to 
try to keep those negative things in my head and not let 
them slip out my lips in hope that eventually 
they would just stop entering my thoughts. While
I have definitely had a few slip ups, I have noticed a huge 
change! The things that were annoying my about certain 
people have for the most part gone away. 
It is nice to start seeing the positive things about people
that for a while were non existent.

I also wanted to put more of an effort in with relationships
that I value. I often don't free enough of my spare time
to nurture the friendships I care about. While I haven't
been able to see lots of these people one on one 
I have stepped up to the plate and have
inquired more about what is going on in
their lives and are more engaged in what they are doing 
and how they are doing. I have also realised that there
are a few friendships that are cracked at the 
foundation and are unlikely to be repaired. Time to MOVE ON!
Spending energy and effort with friendships that
aren't meant to be is exhausting and takes
away from the ones that truly matter. 

Most of all I think my patience has grown which
is not my strong suit, so any help in 
that department is most welcome!!!!!

Happy Thursday!