Monday, 12 August 2013

Feeling Lucky

Yesterday began at 7am when I woke up 
on my own! We began the day by both jumping 
up and starting to do our housework that we 
had planned. I finished painting the columns on our
porch and Rhys began to put the edging in
on the garden we made. Both took WAY longer than
we anticipated but wrapped them up around noon. 
Then we hung up the star we found at the 
garden centre earlier this spring and we 
called it a day on the "yard work".
Both of us then headed for a nap. 

As we were working away yesterday morning,
I couldn't help but think "thank god we don't have
kids yet".... It's an odd thought, one that doesn't
pop into my head often. But, all the work
we have been doing around the house probably
wouldn't be possible if we had a baby to be
taking care of or a toddler to chase after. 
Things would definitely be a lot more difficult, AND 
our glorious afternoon naps we have on the weekends
would not be in the cards either. 

After we woke up from napping, we tinkered around 
a bit before deciding to throw our clubs in the car
and hit the driving range. We both wanted to check out 
Blue Devil and thought this was the prime 
opportunity. They have grass tee's which are AWESOME.
Most places have mat's and you really don't get the same 
feel of a true swing. I finally felt like I was 
starting to get the hang of my new rescue 
so I call that a success. 

We also decided that we really needed to hit the lake.
After the driving range we were both a bit 
sweaty and hot so after grabbing some salads
from Subway we got our suits on and hit
the beach. We both took out the 
stand up paddle-boards and had a blast.
I've wanted to try paddle boarding for quite some time
but always found and excuse not to go.
Well it was SO MUCH FUN! I luckily didn't 
fall off once. Rhys bailed twice but it's 
because in true boy fashion he had to try
to go as fast as he possibly could. He is
also a much stronger swimmer than I am
so the fear was nowhere to be found with him. 
I on the other hand am planning to wear a life 
jacket next time just to calm my little 
worrier nerves. I kept imagining me hitting my head 
and drowning.
{This is why I shouldn't work at FMC}
There are lots of places that offer lessons and we did
look into it, but in the end decided it was 
best to give it a go on our own and if it 
was too difficult then we would 
look into a lesson. Luckily Auburn House 
purchased some top of the line beginner 
boards so the stability on them was awesome
and easy to get the hang of. I was 
thinking that maybe we should get some
as an investment. They also retail at 
$2000... NOT gonna happen. 
It's been a long LONG time since
I've had enough energy to even wake up on 
my own when my body is ready. My body
hasn't felt energized like this, my guess is about a 
year now. It finally feels good to be able 
to do the things I've been wanting to do for
so long. I also need to remember that even 
though I'm starting to feel better, I probably
should refrain from doing it all in one day.
Most of today was spend between the kitchen, my
bed, and the couch.


  1. Whoa. How did I not put two and two together... I have been dying for WATER and you have lake access... this my friend is a problem... if its hot in September...I'm stealing your lake pass...

  2. Yay! so awesome that you went paddle boarding! I can't wait to try it

    1. Meg, It is seriously a ton of fun and really not hard. You def don't need to pay for the lesson. Rent a board, find a quiet lake and try it out!
