I was a lucky duck this week and
snagged 2 overtime shifts which will
hopefully going towards that hot holiday
that we both REALLY want to do this
spring. That being said, they were unexpected
to my meal prep fell behind. I didn't fall too far
off the wagon though so that's a
relief. I ran 5 days in a row so I took
yesterday off running as well as it was
a rest day of the squat challenge.
The running must have been keeping
me stretched because my hips were so
sore last night after doing neither during the
day. OUCH! Back to the grind though. Gotta
get this body turned around to regular
hours because I don't want to sleep
this weekend away!!!! We are going to be
getting our house all Christmafied!
I'm excited that the festive season is upon
us and want to enjoy the next little while we have
off together. Rhys has been hitting the gym as
well so between us both working OT
and working out, we haven't seen much of
each other this week. Next week I'm back on
nights which is always a treat ;)