Tuesday, 12 November 2013

I suck at life.

So my weekly goal list was lame.
The only thing I stuck to was eating clean. 
I perfected my bowl of zoodles and I'm
still in love. I don't know if I will ever eat
regular pasta again to be honest. They taste 
good, have great texture and a small zucchini
is only 20 cals. Yup... pasta is out. 
I'm going to continue on with my weekly 
goal list and hopefully stick to it this week.
Rhys and I had a great couple days off 
together. It's been over 6 weeks since we
had days off together that we stayed home
to enjoy. It was delightful to be at home 
on snowy days just reading, catching up on 
shows, and hanging out together. 
I've been making more of an effort to get
home to the farm and see my sisters but 
sometimes a weekend at home is really nice,
especially when ever other is spend at work. 
I love my .7 and don't think at this point I 
will be giving it up for quite some time but the
working every other weekend is kinda a drag.

This weeks goals are:
1. Meal prep and eat according to plan
2. DRINK 2.5 liters of water/day
3. Exercise 3x
4. Start the 30 day squat challenge

As most of you know, I was not blessed with 
a Kim Kardashian booty and I would love a little
more junk in the trunk so here's to doing a bazillion

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you just need to focus on one goal at a time ... Smaller, achievable goals that you can build on ... Just a thought.but if you set your mind to it ... I know you can do it!
