Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Okay I'm going on a banking rant.
We got our yearly mortgage statement in the mail
yesterday which normally I would just file away.
Instead, I decided to actually take a look and be proud
of our progress. Well then I noticed that indeed we did pay
$22,000 off last year, to then realize that
60% of that was interest and only 40%
was principal. Ummmm WHAT!
I knew that mortgages paid a ton of interest to the
bank but I was hoping it was even closer to 
50/50 or 60/40 in our favour! 
Well then I looked into my student loan.
That's it! I don't want to let our
earned money go straight into the banks pockets!
Time to smarten up!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Bacon and Eggs

There is nothing I love more than going out
for breakfast. Okay maybe I do love things
more than that... But it is one of the things I love.
If I have the choice between a bfast date or a dinner
date, I will ALWAYS choose breakfast.
I love eggs, I love coffee, I love a good chat.
I met Paige for breakfast today at the 
Wildernest Cafe in Inglewood.
I love Inglewood.
I also love Paige.
But now I'm home, and bored...
and I hate to admit but I'm ready to go back to 

Monday, 28 January 2013

Back to it

Well I have had a very lazy week at home!
We are saving for a few trips coming up so I 
can't be off gallivanting around spending our cashola.
But that also means I have had more time to
just think. Think about all the things
that I want for our life. Think about the
short and long term goals. Think about
what I feel are going to be the 
best choices to get where we need to go.
I love when I get together with Amie because 
she kind of just lets you talk. She is a good 
listener but also had good thoughts. Ones that
don't "tell" you, her thoughts often get me thinking
about other things and give me perspective.
We also did a bit of cooking while she was here. 
We made a big batch of energy balls. They turned 
out to be the best ones yet. 
We also whipped up some Cauliflower pizza 
that turned out DELICIOUS! I was 
wanting to try it for a while but was sceptical.
I mean come on you are never going to get cauliflower
to taste like gooey pizza dough. Luckily I prefer thin
crust and this pizza had TONS of flavor.
We made up a batch and used lots of cheese on the top.
I made another batch the next night but went light on the
cheese and it turned out just as good.
I'm bad for measuring things out... I kinda just
mix until it looks like the right consistency.

Cauliflower Greek Pizza
1/2 head cauliflower {riced}
Pesto {classico}
Red bell pepper
Garlic stuffed green olives
 1 large egg

I riced the cauliflower in the food processor then
popped it in the microwave for 4 minutes.
Let it cool, then add the egg and some parm.
Spread out on mat very thin. Place paper towel over top and
blot out as much moisture as you can. Pop in and broil
for 10ish min {until top and sides are going crispy}
take out and put on desired toppings.
We cut the veggies really fine, sprinkled the feta.
Top with light mozza and bake for 15ish. Then 
broil until cheese is brown.


Friday, 25 January 2013


I'm anxiously waiting for the arrival of my
Amie! She is coming up for a visit this weekend 
and could not be more excited! 
We haven't had company in quite some time and 
i'm looking forward to hanging out with a friend 
in my jammies sipping tea on the couch instead
of a noisy coffee shop or sushi place.
Pete is just the kind of person that you can have
a chill out, walk the dogs, and cook at home kind
of weekend. Perfect!

Thursday, 24 January 2013


Our dogs were CRAZY tonight. So at 830
we decided to take them for a big play down
by the river. It was going swell until Millie got 
distracted by something. After calling her a few 
times she decided to leave whatever was
so intriguing and come play again....
Until Eddie decided something 
was fun in the same darn spot. 
So off I went to investigate.
Well we discovered something NASTY!
It was some sort of carcass that 
someone was trying to hide the identity of.
It was wrapped up in a orange plastic bag. 
The rest of the details I won't share but 
it was gross. 
So of course I immediately text both my 
mom and dad.... 

and then call fish and wildlife.
Anyways, hopefully they clean that up by tomorrow
because I've been a major slacker and haven't 
gone for a run in 3 days.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Call me "the crank"

I was going to ramble about how sucky my day
was yesterday and tell you all about it
BUT deciding to be more positive today,
I will tell you the one thing that made me giggle 
yesterday. And yes, only one thing
could crack a smile on me. 
I pulled into to policeman's flats for my
morning jog and noticed there was a small car in the
parking lot. Not unusual considering there is lots
of fisherman down there {even in -15}.
What was unusual was that the man sitting in
the front seat did not appear to be getting his gear ready. 
Strange I thought to myself. 
Now being the crazy person I am I automatically think,
well even if there is a crazy man down here, surely 
more people are bound to come along so I think
I'm still safe but man I wish I brought Millie instead of 
Eddie today {not that she is the tough pup, she is just bigger}.
So I throw on my mitts, set my watch, lock my keys and wallet 
in the glove box and glance over to see if buddy has made a
move when all of a sudden a girls head pops up from
misters lap. Yup, that was what got me to smile 
yesterday at 10am. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

I sharted

Last night at work was such a treat. It has been a 
very busy week saving lives. {kidding} {not about the busy part}
Last night was actually such a delight. I caught up on 
pinterest and everything!
I love eves like that!
Eves are a hit and miss shift. When they are busy,
they are disgustingly busy, and when they
are slow, you are glad you have a book!
On my dinner break I was texting Rhys and not
getting a response from him... And knowing 
that he was home not doing anything 
{except playing video games}
I decided to play a trick on him...
 It went something like this....

That got his attention! Haha

Friday, 18 January 2013

Sleepless Nights

Once again, I'm stuck in insomnia land.
This week has been a bad sleep week for me, not
sure what gives! I've completely cut the
caffeine out of my life {sad I know}. 
I was having weird heart flutters and it seems like
they have gone away. No more red bull or coffee
for me. I know it's better for me so I'm trying
to not feel to sorry for myself. 
My legs feel tired tonight which actually feels good.
I had a long hot bath tonight hoping sleep would 
find me around 930... finally at 2am I 
decided to get up and make some tea.
I was hoping tomorrow would by a gym day, but
if I'm sleepy tomorrow I will take an off day. 
I have already done 4 days of workouts this week and 
I still have Saturday's run so I'm not going to worry
about it. Rhys and I made Salmon filet's and greek
salad for supper. He is totally hooked! 
It always amazes me at how well he
does when he runs with me. I have been following the
run schedule and making sure I get out every second day. 
He can STILL run laps around me. We are both
super competitive so while I find it annoying I'm 
just so impressed. I'm glad that we are finding fitness 
together and creating good habits that will last a lifetime. 
I've dieted and worked out before and success
but it doesn't last and I fall back into bad habits. 
For some reason I just feel like this is the time.
I feel good.

At least if sleep won't find me I have a good snuggle buddy

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Good eats

I was feeling a bit discouraged with the scale 
yesterday. It felt like I was eating well and still getting
all my run days in but the scale was not reflecting the
work. So I skipped the cereal and opted for
my smoothie, same lunch {veggie soup}, had
a big cup of yogurt with bran buds around 4, then
went to the gym and went on the bike for 45 min
and then home for quinoa greek salad {YUM}.
Down another 2 this morning. 
I can get away with eating less on non work days
it's the work days that kill me. I felt really good 
heading to bed last night. The last thing I wanted to
do at 7pm last night was go to the gym
but it felt good. And it was a good way to realize
how many more calories you burn running!
In 40 min on the bike I burned 300
calories {and sweating buckets}  where as 40 min of 
run/walk burns 450. Kinda crazy!

Greek Quinoa Salad

1 serving quinoa
grape tomatoes {I chop them}
orange bell pepper
purple onion
light feta
kalmata olives 
dressing: 3 parts olive oil to 1 part red wine vinegar
and lots of club house greek seasoning

*I didn't measure the veggie parts. Add what looks tasty to you!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Switch it up

I'm so glad that I have 2 days off. Back to work
for 5 and then off for 7! What kind of job gives you
7 days off in a row twice a month?!?!?! MINE!
I can't wait! 
I'm sore from running yesterday which is odd 
because I did the exact same run 2 days ago and 
felt fine. My hips hurt mostly {which is my Achilles heel}
So I need to stretch!!!!
Any good ideas for hip flexor stretches???
I need to step up the workouts on non running
days so, I'm actually going back to the gym tonight with
Rhys and I'm looking forward to it. 
Both of us were going religiously from Oct-Dec but
then I started this run business outside and haven't been
back! Rhys still goes at least 5x per week and 
it always felt good to go together so here we go!
I'm also giving up the cereal for breakfast. I'm finding 
my morning routine isn't giving me the energy I need 
for the rest of my day. I'm going to make a batch
of energy balls for run mornings {normally I fast}
and then have a smoothie instead of cereal. 
I made a yummy smoothie this morning and it 
could be a contender for best one yet!

250ml coconut water
8-10 blueberries
1 orange
1/3 cup Greek yogurt
8 ice cubes

Yum Yum Yum

I skipped the spinach {but don't tell}

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


I have to admit that I am guilty of a juicy 
gossip session {more often than I like to admit}.
And I have been thinking over the month that it is
something I don't feel good about. I don't feel 
any better about myself and it certainly wouldn't 
feel good for the people to hear these snippy
little comments coming out of my mouth.
Anyways, I have officially gotten a taste of my own
medicine and it doesn't feel good! 
It's not as though it came from my bestie or 
someone who's friendship I truly value but even then
it still feels like a little jab. One that I don't feel was 
warranted and the things said I don't feel 
truly represent who I am. 
I chose to go forward and try my best to 
watch my tongue and take careful 
notice of who's feelings would be hurt
by my careless words. 
Something to work on. 

Monday, 14 January 2013


I used to make a big pot of veggie soup every
week. I always have guilt because I am just 
like my gramma. I don't love fruit and veggies.
It is a forced effort to get those pesky 
things in during the day. I have been eating
fairly healthy since returning from holidays and 
you can even make a healthy food plan 
but not get the essential greens in per day.

example: cereal for breakfast, coffee, 
yogurt and berries with bran for snack, perhaps
a salad with chicken for lunch, smoothie for snack,
grilled chicken, veggies and quinoa for supper.
That is a fairly healthy day BUT is it enough
veggies?!?!?! Nope.

About 2 years ago I bought a blendtec blender. It was
an investment for sure. It rang in around $550 and it was
worth every penny. I have used it at least 3 times per
week {on slacker weeks} and when I'm really 
aiming for those veggies I blend at least once a day.
My favourite always has some orange in it. I find citrus
cuts the "earth" out of the veggies. 

Anyways, I've been writing out a food log similar to 
what they use at herbal magic {yup, been there} and 
Bernstein {been there too}
They had sheets to record your daily food log.
On those sheets of paper they have little circles with 
the type of food eg. veggies has 4 circles, starch has 2, 
protein has 2, dairy has 1.
Well I'm certainly not being that restrictive but I've 
started to do the same thing for myself. That way it
is easy the night before to write down what your
intentions of eating the next day and if you
are getting the essentials in. It has been helping
because although it's always nice to go for the 
orange or apple which is still healthy, perhaps the
bag of veggies is what you actually need.
I made a big pot of veggie soup the other day with a 
can of spicy diced tomatoes which adds just the right
amount of zing to make it super tasty!
Here goes a week of veggie obsession {and
hopefully not too many runs to the bathroom!} 


Sunday, 13 January 2013

Cassis Bistro

Yesterday I had a list up to my armpit with all the
things I wanted to get done with Rhys this
weekend. Not all of them were chores 
or errands, mostly just fun things to do 
together. Well, nothing on the list got done
because we decided to spend a lazy day 
at home together. It was glorious. 
We took the pups for a play in the morning.
Then came home and I made a big pot of veggie
soup {turned out delish!}
Then we crawled back into bed, I read my book, 
Rhys slept. I can't really call it a nap. A nap is 
up to an hour... 3 hours is a sleep. :)
Then I had to get ready for dinner. I was meeting
my bestie Paige and her mom at Cassis Bistro.
Well the food did not disappoint! It was sooooo good.
We all started with the Cassis cocktail which was 
"grapey' and delicious. I ordered the scallops for 
my first and they were to die for! My mouth is watering
just thinking about them. They were cut like 
sashimi {still cooked though}and then had ginger
lime and olive oil with watercress on top.
For my second I ordered the salmon with zucchini gratin,
arugula salad, and a reduced veggie mix.
And of course Creme Brulee for dessert.
I have to say between the food, the company, and the
wine I was a great evening out.
Not exactly diet friendly but overall it was worth it!
I will definitely be going back. 
Review: If you are looking for fine dining and
drool worthy food, GO HERE!
Rhys and I tend to spend every waking minute together
when we have the chance. One of my goals for this 
year was to put more of an effort in with my 
girlfriends. I always hate leaving him, thinking that
we could have the night together, but in the end
I ALWAYS have a great time out and then 
have stories to tell when I get home. 


Friday, 11 January 2013

No Excuses

When I woke up this morning {after a HORRIBLE nights sleep}
I looked the weather report.... MINUS 19.
They are kidding right?!?!?! Barf
Anyways I messaged my voice of reason {Deena}
and asked if -19 was too cold to run... 
Her response "It's never too cold"
Needless to say I got my tush outta bed, 
packed up my little monster {Eddie} 
and hit the road. 
Lemme tell you, it was cold. Like really really cold.
I didn't stick to the run program, {mostly because
even Eddie thought it was too cold to be out}
So I ran as much as I could and got it done as quickly 
as possible. I normally have to do 3.8km to
 get through the program run but I only went 2.8 km today. 
Poor little Eddie was laying down in the snow and shaking his 
frozen little paws. Time to call it a day. Next time 
I think it will be a solo mission to get out
on these really cold days... OR Animal rights might
be knocking on my door! It still felt good
to get out even though I didn't get through 
the entire routine. I also ran my fastest 1km,
so I guess there is advantages to running in the cold. 
It was a beautiful day by the river even if we were
both frozen.


I was walking to my car after work tonight
thinking to myself "why the heck do we CHOOSE to 
live with this snow!"
In the past I loved the snow, it meant SKI season! 
I haven't been skiing in a few years and the appeal
is starting to wear off. 
The drive home was slippery so when I pulled into
the garage, I could feel myself breathe a sigh of
relief tonight. I was even more delighted when
I opened the garage door and our
backyard looked like a little 
Winter Wonderland. 
The trees were coated, and there was a swept
pathway up the steps, onto the deck and 
into the house. 
What a treat. 
The Vint house was a free for all.
No gender roles there whatsoever. 
The little feminist in me says "ummmm girls
can shovel too!" while almost the 
WHOLE rest of me is so thankful
that Rhys likes to do "blue jobs".
.... plus the house was mopped and vacuumed too...
I guess he likes to do the "pink jobs" too! 
I'm not complaining!!!!!!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Hello Again

I received a text last night around 9:30pm from my mom
stating "I'm waiting for the next blog instalment!"
So I am back!
It has been a VERY long week. I was still struggling to
find energy from this rotten cold I caught over the 
holidays. To top it off we came home and it was
right back to work, so the routine has been 
hard to find this week. I allowed myself the
luxury to sleep in as much as my body felt
necessary, FINALLY I woke up feeling much 
better today. I hate that nagging exhaustion that
illness brings on. Rhys was lucky enough 
not to catch the cold but on Saturday he
was still asleep when I woke up {which is VERY odd}.
I thought perhaps he was sick so I tip toed out of our
bedroom and puttered around all day. Finally at 3pm 
when I was leaving for work, he woke up. 
His body must have been fighting something and needed
the R&R. We had so much fun on our little holiday
but it wasn't a restful one. There was so much to see and
do and lots of visiting to catch up on. I guess we didn't do 
ourselves any favours by coming home sleep deprived.
Lesson learned. 
I was supposed to come back and work 5 shifts and then
off but that pesky OT call came in so I ended up working 6.
Then I was to be off for 1 and back but luckily my
fantastic opposite {Hi Deena} traded me today for 
Friday. 2 days off feels like bliss right now!
Another good thing for the day was waking up,
jumping on the scale and seeing I was down 4.4lbs since 
last Wednesday. Small steps but they are 
at least in the right direction!
I also finished my first book of my new years goals. 
It was called "bird in hand".
Not the best book but not the worst either. It seemed
like it would make a better movie plot than a book.
{I didn't realize there was such a book until this one}
It followed the life of 2 couples. The women were childhood
friends. Then one of the women starts having an affair with the
other ones husband... blah blah blah... You get the point.
Anyways, not one on the recommend list so kindly ignore 
my 1st choice of the year!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Mission back on track

So far, day 2 has success. Yesterday I headed out
and filled our fridge with healthy choices for the
week to come. I decided to stick a very routine
plan. Lots of chicken, veggies, and 
mango salsa.
I know everyone says that 
variety is key, and while I agree...
It's also so hard to make 7 different meals for each
night when I'm working, getting a daily workout in,
walking the dogs, and still maintaining the house.
Rhys is on board which is really helpful too. 
He has a physical job so he doesn't have any 
weight issues but he still needs to eat
foods that are nutritious. While I'm working, his
go to meal is pasta... So I switched it up on him
and cooked up some ground chicken and also
blended some spinach and fresh tomatoes into
his favourite sauce... We will see how that goes.
As for me, it's yogurt, berries, bran buds, chicken
chicken, chicken, and chicken. Haha.
I decided to start the running plan over again 
after a few weeks of not really doing it the way it's
intended. Today was 10min warm up, 12 intervals of 
1 run/1walk and then a 10min cool down. It was a 
breeze... maybe starting over wasn't necessary but I'm
going to just keep sticking to that and see how she 

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

A New Year

New Years rang in the way I hope most of the
 year continues, getting lots
of sleep, and being surrounded by the ones
we love most. 2012 although was a great year, it was
also and exhausting one and one that created a major 
lack of sleep for the both of us. 
We found ourselves cuddled up in bed, lights out, quietly
wishing our good friends a great New Year to come.
At the stroke of midnight, we got our New Years
kiss and sleep found us.
Both Rhys and I decided that this year we would 
do goals, actually goals, ones we can reach. No Resolutions.

1. A month of no fast food or takeout {we are doing that now}
2. A month of only home cooked meals {no dinner date nights}
3. To be credit card debt free {lofty}
4. To sign up and take the fur babies for training
5. To spend more time with the girlies
6. To finally take our trip to Victoria {hopefully fall}
7. To RUN the moonlight run together March 9th
8. To read at least 1 book per month
9. To plan 1 monthly adventure and go have FUN!

Mostly we wanted our list to include ways to stay
connected, find health together, but most 
important to have FUN together. 
Our trip made us realize that we are on our life
journey with our besties at our sides, and we need to enjoy
each day, each adventure, each challenge,
because we really do have
The best little life