I received a text last night around 9:30pm from my mom
stating "I'm waiting for the next blog instalment!"
So I am back!
It has been a VERY long week. I was still struggling to
find energy from this rotten cold I caught over the
holidays. To top it off we came home and it was
right back to work, so the routine has been
hard to find this week. I allowed myself the
luxury to sleep in as much as my body felt
necessary, FINALLY I woke up feeling much
better today. I hate that nagging exhaustion that
illness brings on. Rhys was lucky enough
not to catch the cold but on Saturday he
was still asleep when I woke up {which is VERY odd}.
I thought perhaps he was sick so I tip toed out of our
bedroom and puttered around all day. Finally at 3pm
when I was leaving for work, he woke up.
His body must have been fighting something and needed
the R&R. We had so much fun on our little holiday
but it wasn't a restful one. There was so much to see and
do and lots of visiting to catch up on. I guess we didn't do
ourselves any favours by coming home sleep deprived.
Lesson learned.
I was supposed to come back and work 5 shifts and then
off but that pesky OT call came in so I ended up working 6.
Then I was to be off for 1 and back but luckily my
fantastic opposite {Hi Deena} traded me today for
Friday. 2 days off feels like bliss right now!
Another good thing for the day was waking up,
jumping on the scale and seeing I was down 4.4lbs since
last Wednesday. Small steps but they are
at least in the right direction!
I also finished my first book of my new years goals.
It was called "bird in hand".
Not the best book but not the worst either. It seemed
like it would make a better movie plot than a book.
{I didn't realize there was such a book until this one}
It followed the life of 2 couples. The women were childhood
friends. Then one of the women starts having an affair with the
other ones husband... blah blah blah... You get the point.
Anyways, not one on the recommend list so kindly ignore
my 1st choice of the year!
Glad you're feeling better :)