Yesterday was a fantastic day! My body and mind has been feeling
pretty tired with work lately. I'm sure all the late evenings have
something to do with it, but also the drama at work
on top of the uncertainty of my job took a toll.
Yesterday I got offered my permanent position back at FMC
which means new exciting things for us.
I feel much more secure at FMC with layoffs going on.
Not that I have much seniority in CT but I am above a
few people which means I won't be the first to go ;)
It also means that a move might be in the works, that
being said, it is time to put a little money into the
basement and get this place ready to sell next spring perhaps????
Being offered the job also came with the anxiety of handing in
my resignation at SHC. It wasn't as bad as I anticipated it being.
I think everyone understands that ultimately you need
to do what is best for your life, but I always walk into things
expecting the worst, then when that doesn't happen, it's an
added bonus.
I also went to fix up the window that was replaced last week. It
I went to wash my rear window. I popped in and the
guy fixed it on the spot. He was so friendly and apologetic.
I honestly don't mind when mistakes are made. They happen.
What I love is when a business makes it their mission to have
good customer service. I've had 3 windows replaced through
them and have had great service every time and
price wise, they are the best. If anyone needs glass work
done- head over to Wood Chip Auto.
My feet were also happy to slip into my birkies yesterday.
Even if it was only sunny for one day, it feels like spring is on it's way
and it's making me feel much more uplifted than I have been in
while. Between planning our trip and things
seeming to fall into place, life is feeling pretty good.
It was also date night in the Williams house. We are such homebodies
that we tend to stay home and watch a movie or snuggle up with
our computers. So getting out last night was a treat. We would
prefer to go to a restaurant that is privately owned. It always
makes me feel better to know that our money is being spent
on someones talent or small business... That being said,
we opted for Earls last night. The food is always good, usually
quick, and it was in the area. Rhys and I of course started
betting {we bet on EVERYTHING} on how many
red seal chefs they would hire at a chain
like Earls. I decided the best way to settle this was to ask
our waiter, and when he didn't know the answer he
said he would go ask. Before we told him
not to worry about it he was gone and
the Chef returned in his place and had a chit chat about
how their apprenticeship works and how many they have
on staff. Our bet BLEW up in our face. HAHA.
Nothing like having the Chef come chat with us to bring
attention to our table. It was hilarious because we are
both shy, fly under the radar kind of people.
Something to giggle about anyways.
We then decided to swing by Rhys' parents house and surprise them
with DQ. Had a 10 min chat and off home we went.
I love when a day starts well and ends well. No complaints here!
Congrats on your permanent!