Sunday, 7 April 2013

Soul Searching

I've been laying in bed for a couple hours already tonight unable
to quiet the thoughts in my mind. Even my "go to"
anxiety tricks aren't working tonight. 
After months and months of wedding tensions 
things finally came to a head tonight. Over text. 
Yup. Text. 
So ridiculous. 
My head spins through varying emotions every 10minutes
and I can hardly stand it. Anger, Resentment, Sadness,
Guilt, Relief and then cycle again. 
We were officially "fired" from the wedding party tonight.
I would have liked a union rep present for this. {haha}
I have tried to be the peace keeper for far too long... 
perhaps that is what went wrong. 


  1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  2. The state of being whole and undivided: "territorial integrity".
 Rhys was honest. I was honest. We will not be divided.


  1. Sounds like awesome drama that is not mine!

    I clearly have no real idea of what is going on BUT weddings are dreadfully awful horrid things. Stressful for everyone. I speak from my own horridly awful wedding. People say stupid stuff. People do even stupider things. there is a long friendship so when the time comes forget who said what or did what and move on..... when the time comes.

    Hope things pan out.
