Friday, 4 March 2016

WW Week 3

I didn't participate in weight watchers this week. 
The ovary issue had me laid out for a solid week
 and it wasn't until today that I actually 
am mostly back to normal. I actually had enough energy to 
leave the house two days in a row as well
 as make it back to work. Needless to say, the diet took the 
back burner for the week. Tomorrow 
is weigh in day and I'm looking forward to getting 
back on track. As is my tummy. I've had 
an upset tummy for the last few days. Most likely 
from all the gluten, but that's just me speculating. I'm 
planning on doing a bit more prep this 
week and committing to tracking again. Let's hope next Tuesday
 I will have something to show for it. PLUS after 
the next 5lbs, I get to head to Sephora and
 buy this face brush I'm dying to get my hands on.


  1. I did horrible on my diet this week...hoping next week is much better. I actually don't even want to step on the scale! Here's to us! We can do this!
    xo, Lily
    TTC Baby G

    1. You're doing amazing! We totally can do this! 💛
